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San Miguel County - E911 Rural Addressing
Office Hours
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM 
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Address Telephone Fax
500 West National Ave., Suite 110
Las Vegas, NM 87701
(505) 454-1654 (505) 454-7590

San Miguel E9-1-1 Mission Statement

The mission of San Miguel E9-1-1 Rural Addressing Division is to work together with all entities involved to compile an Enhanced E9-1-1 database that will meet the necessary standards for accurate and usable emergency response development. San Miguel E9-1-1 Rural Addressing Division produces maps, assigns rural emergency 9-1-1 physical addresses associated with a named road, and supports a range of government organizations and county offices.

Goals & Objectives

  • To provide customer service to our citizens, county departments, divisions and other agencies and different government organizations
  • Develop efficient continuous data collection and data entry for use with E9-1-1 services
  • Collect centerlines for unmapped roads and new developments
  • Determine which structures are relevant and irrelevant to establish points with corresponding data
  • Collect relevant points for corresponding structures throughout the county
  • Assign addresses to points for relevant corresponding structures throughout the county
  • Notify Planning and Zoning Office of assigned address
  • Inform the Assessor’s Appraisal Division of new addresses that might not be on the county
  • Inform the Solid Waste Division of assigned addresses
  • Address and map any new or old roads and approved subdivisions for the E9-1-1 services
  • Verify voter registration addresses for the Clerk’s Office
  • Supply addresses to Post Office when needed
  • Mail notification to the Citizens upon request
  • Provide addresses for Law Enforcement upon request

E9-1-1 Rural Addressing Division will collect and confirm the accuracy of existing and new data for all roads and structures throughout the county to comply with Enhanced E9-1-1 services.

The E9-1-1-database will consist of resident contact information, private organizations, businesses, government establishments, emergency service providers, roads and any other pertinent data related Enhanced E9-1-1 services.

The method of data collection will be done via Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver using ArcView and SDR’s Addressing 3rd party software residing on a laptop along with community and emergency service providers contribution.

Questions and Answers

What is the purpose of E911 rural addressing?

The enhanced 911 rural addressing service is designed to improve public safety by saving time in locating 911 incoming emergency calls.  Your new physical address tells the emergency dispatch exactly where you live. This information can than be relayed to the proper responding authority such as the Sheriff, Fire Fighters, Ambulance and State Police.  This enables them to find your residence easily and quickly.

How is the my address determined?

An address is assigned by measuring the distance from the beginning of the road you reside on to the exact location of the drive way leading to your house. For every linear mile leading along the road, 100 addresses are assigned, with odd numbered on the left side and even numbers on the right side. The following are examples:
  • 100 Valley Road would be found 1 mile from the beginning of the road to the drive way on the right side.
  • 401 Sangre de Cristo Highway would be found 4 miles from the beginning of the road to the drive way on the left side.

When will the road sign be installed on the road on which I reside?

Roads signs have already been installed on all roads. If a road sign is missing or vandalized, please report it to us immediately by telephone at (505) 454-1654 or e-mail at addressing@co.sanmiguel.nm.us. Remember that these signs are for public safety and when a sign is vandalized, it jeopardizes everyone.

Are the present rural route addresses going to be used for E911?

Unfortunately rural route addressing does not direct emergency dispatchers and personnel to your home in case of an emergency. This type of addressing points to mailbox locations not to individual homes and often, mailboxes are located on different roads that the resident.

How do I get my address that is presently assigned?

If you needed a physical E9-1-1 address, you can get your address by going to the IT/E9-1-1 Office located at 500 WEST NATIONAL AVENUE, SUITE 110 LAS LAS VEGAS, NM to request your physical address, by e-mail at addressing@co.sanmiguel.nm.us, or by telephone at (505)454-1654.
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